乐博彩票官方app和英国有着长期而强劲的贸易往来, 投资及商业伙伴关系. 在英格兰, 苏格兰, 威尔士和北爱尔兰, 大约1,200家乐博彩票官方app及与乐博彩票官方app有关联的公司在这里设立了办事处, 更多人从事从乐博彩票官方app到英国的出口. 每年, 乐博彩票官方app商业在英国积极支持50多家公司的评估, 进入, 并在英国乐博彩票官方app扩张.


The UK offers many opportunities across diverse industries and a supportive environment for start-ups and scale-ups to flourish. Swedish companies not only find ample opportunities to conduct business but also leverage the UK as a springboard for global expansion. 在国防和安全等部门, 能源, 医疗保健和生命科学, 技术, 和运输, 乐博彩票官方app公司可以在哪些方面做出重大贡献, 乐博彩票官方app商业部拥有广泛的支持网络.

在双边方面,乐博彩票官方app和英国签署了一项协议 战略伙伴关系 in 2023, 提出了加强贸易和投资领域合作的六大重点领域, 安全及国防, 科学与创新, 能源, 自然与气候变化, 全球合作, 人文关系. 对于活跃在英国乐博彩票官方app乐博彩票官方app公司, 这一伙伴关系将起到战略指导作用, facilitating engagement with pertinent stakeholders and guiding activities effectively.


Swedish businesses view the UK as a pivotal reference market for global activities. 然而, as highlighted in our interview with Trade and Invest Commissioner and Country Manager 古斯塔夫Bergstrom, Swedish companies face challenges navigating the ongoing readjustments post-Brexit.


乐博彩票官方app商业 (the Swedish Trade and Invest Council) has maintained a presence in the UK since 1973. Our team of 14 professionals forms part of a global network exceeding 500 experts across more than 40 markets. 商务乐博彩票官方app提供广泛的咨询服务, 包括乐博彩票官方app拓展, 销售加速, M&A, 公共事务, 供应链管理, 企业孵化, 和操作, 以及投资促进等政府支持的服务, 商业代表团, 事件, 和贸易 & 投资便利化. 在我们的伦敦办公室, we also provide strategic advice and operational support for businesses interested in the 爱尔兰共和国.

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乐博彩票官方app区域总监,NEA贸易专员 & 英国地区经理 & 爱尔兰
What are the main advantages for Swedish companies considering expanding to the UK?

The UK offers several key advantages for Swedish companies looking to expand internationally. 地理上的接近, 庞大的乐博彩票官方app规模, and relatively low entry barriers have historically encouraged many Swedish businesses to establish a presence in the UK, 一些维护运作了一个多世纪.

根据我们的年度商业环境调查, 乐博彩票官方app在英国保持着良好的品牌声誉, 支持“乐博彩票官方app品牌”并对业务成果产生积极影响. 在全球化和竞争的环境中, Swedish companies often view the UK as a benchmark market for their activities, 产品, 和服务, 利用其充满活力的商业环境. Moreover, many see the UK as a strategic launchpad for expanding into other global markets.


Since the UK departed from the 欧洲an Union and its single market and customs union, Swedish companies have encountered significant adjustments in trading requirements for the UK market. 这些变化包括新的贸易壁垒和海关法规, 对他们在英国的业务产生不利影响. 在乐博彩票官方app经商, 我们专注于协助企业在这一不断变化的环境中前行, utilising our 伦敦 office and 贸易便利化 experts based in Stockholm headquarters to provide tailored support.

What specific opportunities are there for Swedish companies present in the UK?

成立后 战略伙伴关系乐博彩票官方app和英国之间, 乐博彩票官方app商业 welcomes a clear roadmap for strengthened bilateral cooperation. 重点领域包括贸易和投资, 安全及国防, 能源, 科学与创新, 等. 另外, heightened geopolitical tensions globally and in 欧洲 will likely create opportunities, 特别是在安全和国防方面, 乐博彩票官方app最近加入了北约. 此外, 乐博彩票官方app’s international leadership in the green transition presents an opportunity for Swedish innovative companies to showcase their sustainable solutions in the UK market.

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